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Keto Diet

Keto Diet

Hidden sugar in foods (even without being labeled)

If you are hungry and want to snack on something but don’t want to eat anything with added sugar, pay attention to the rules here. Remember, added sugars are often a hidden ingredient in processed foods, and if the manufacturer wants to add sugars, it is often in the ingredients list under a clever disguise. The FDA does not require an “added sugars” line within the sugars section. If you want to be a true sugar detective, look for all the words ending in -ose. Ingredients such as Fructose, maltose, Glucose, Galactose, and lactose are all sugars.

Moreover, look for “sugar in disguise” like syrups, malt, and juice concentrates. Remember, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Sugar is sugar, no matter how it is disguised!

How to silence your hunger hormone and eliminate unhealthy, insatiable cravings for good.

Hormones can be pesky things sometimes. Yes, if hormones are in charge of our emotions, our sex drive, and our desire to eat more, that means they are essential, and there must be a way to take control of their effect on us. First, identify the hunger hormones Leptin and Ghrelin responsible for our hunger response. Ghrelin is the hormone that increases our appetite; Leptin does the opposite. Ghrelin is generally sent out before we eat. To control this hormone, we should avoid a high-fat diet (which does nothing for our body’s natural regulatory system). We should get enough sleep and eat a diet richer in protein than fat! With these essential tips in mind, we won’t feel as hungry as we used to.

6 Proven Strategies for living the keto lifestyle even when no one in your family is…

The first principle about the keto diet is that it is a lifestyle more than a diet. Your behavior patterns express your lifestyle in work, life, and play. To be successful in this diet, follow these six golden rules to dietary success and remember that eating fewer calories is often the natural result of the Keto diet, leading to healthy weight loss:

  1. Avoid high carbohydrate foods to lessen the body’s glucose and insulin production. 2. Eat mostly protein-rich and fiber-heavy foods. 3. Do not binge on high-calorie products or products you know are easy to binge eat with. Don’t even consider eating them! 4. Only consume foods that are a part of the Keto Diet. These are generally very low in carbs and help you remain in ketosis. 5. Avoid added sugars at all costs. 6. Take advantage of calorie-tracking apps and use your scale to track your progress